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若无闲事挂心头 | Aging Well in Singapore

与廉凤讲座联合主办 This event is conducted in partnership with the Lien Fung's Colloquium Synopsis “离苦得乐”是所有生物的本能。身为万物之灵的我们 -…

From  Yew Ming YAP 0 likes 17 plays

Wealth, Poverty, and Virtue: Adam Smith’s Case for (and Against) the Market

Shaw Foundation Distinguished Faculty Lecture Series Synopsis: Adam Smith is famous today as a champion of free markets. But on what grounds did he, in fact, defend market society? My lecture will…

From  Yew Ming YAP 1 likes 930 plays


Event Synopsis: Free is an engrossing memoir of coming of age amid great political upheaval. With acute insight and wit, Lea Ypi traces the limits of progress and the burden of the past, illuminating…

From  Ms Ann SHEN _ 0 likes 49 plays

廉凤讲座呈献: 在信息时代反思「华人」身分的流动性 Lien Fung's Colloquium: Who is “Chinese" in the Digital Age? Reflections on Identity and the Internet.

虽然亚洲是高科技社交媒体使用最活跃的地区,但是每当谈起科技或人类共同体,都是以欧美为重心。随着Clubhouse等新兴社交软件兴起,我们又开始讨论何为华人、何为华语等问题。谈到这些问题,就必然要跨越语言和政治的边界。我将在这次讲座上分享「时差」in-betweenness播客对于华语世界里共同经验的讨论,面对复杂的权力与身份认同问题,我们应该如何自处?让我们一同寻找答案。 …

From  Yew Ming YAP 0 likes 38 plays


From  Dr Marcus ANG Teck Meng _ 0 likes 242 plays


秋瑾/科学家王灿芝母女,黄素琼/作家张爱玲母女,都是女权意识里的娜拉和女儿们。从晚清到民国,从易卜生“玩偶之家”娜拉出走的摔门声给世界唤起了女权主义,鲁迅提问娜拉出走后又怎样,到去年我们对张爱玲诞辰百年的回顾,胡缨教授从两对母女的关系以及对母亲形象的再塑造,讨论中国女权主义的演进。 胡缨,…

From  Ms Ann SHEN _ 0 likes 67 plays