00:58duration 58 seconds
Words of Wisdom - Steven Miller
From Ms CHANG Ching Chen _
00:54duration 54 seconds
Words of wisdom - President Tony Tan
00:43duration 43 seconds
Words of wisdom - Howard Hunter
00:38duration 38 seconds
Advice for Students - HO Kwon Ping
Words of wisdom - Tsui Kai Chong
00:34duration 34 seconds
Words of wisdom - Ruth Pagell
Words of Wisdom - Michael Furmston
00:35duration 35 seconds
Words of wisdom - Low Kee Yang
00:50duration 50 seconds
Words of wisdom - Pang Yang Hoong
00:42duration 42 seconds
Words of wisdom - Roberto-Mariano
Words of wisdom - Low Aik Meng
00:17duration 17 seconds
Words of wisdom - Leong Kwong Sin
Words of wisdom - Hwang Soo Chiat
00:14duration 14 seconds
Words of wisdom - John Yip Soon Kwong
00:46duration 46 seconds
Words of wisdom - David B Montgomery
01:26duration 1 minute 26 seconds
Words of wisdom - Janice Bellace