0 0 likes | 32 32 playsChuan Leekpai is a two-time Thai Prime Minister. He shares with DNA the thinking behind some of his policies, as well as gives his take on the recent political turmoil…
0 0 likes | 36 36 playsDr Pung Chhiv Kek is the Founder and President of the Cambodian League for the Promotion and Defense of Human Rights (LICADHO). She was nominated in 2005 for the Nobel…
0 0 likes | 38 38 playsDaughter of Malaysian Prime Minister and socio-political activist Marina Mahathir, shares with DNA on her schooling days, her views on censorship, education system,…
0 0 likes | 75 75 playsMyanmar democracy activist Ko Ko Gyi spent a total of 17 years in prison for his political beliefs. First detained for his involvement in student protests in 1989, he…
0 0 likes | 34 34 playsNobel Peace Prize Nominee Chea Vannath fled Cambodia when the Khmer Rouge attempted to arrest her husband. She returned to her homeland twelve years later and began…