0 0 likes | 15 15 playsGlobal warming and climate change have created an unprecedented global interest in reducing greenhouse gas emissions, especially in energy production. Biomass, or…
0 0 likes | 20 20 playsTechnology is playing an increasingly important role in improving the quality of care for the elderly, be it enhancing aged care patient experience, developing home-care…
0 0 likes | 15 15 playsCorporate Social Responsibility, or CSR in short, is an evolving business practice that incorporates sustainable development or ‘doing good’ into a…
0 0 likes | 41 41 playsAssociate Professor of Humanities Winston Chow from SMU’s School of Social Sciences has researched on the areas of urban vulnerability to climate change;…
0 0 likes | 24 24 playsAssistant Professor of Humanities Aidan Wong from SMU’s School of Social Sciences has researched on the areas of development and sustainability, in particular on…
0 0 likes | 3 3 playsThe issues facing a growing silver population are gaining ground. Singapore’s baby boomers are now exiting the workforce. Would those approaching retirement have…
0 0 likes | 12 12 playsCrowd work or crowdsourcing, an emerging form of online contracting work, is growing. About 600,000 workers participate in the online gig economy annually and the number…
From IITS Web Team
0 0 likes | 26 26 playsOver the last few decades, the overall health status of people around the world has significantly improved. What helps people to live longer than ever before? What… -
From IITS Web Team
0 0 likes | 32 32 playsLeaders and those in positions of power call the shots as to how resources are allocated. Past research have shown that leaders tend to behave selfishly, keeping more… -
0 0 likes | 52 52 playsAssistant Professor and Lee Kong Chian Fellow Sterling Huang from SMU’s School of Accountancy holds a Master of Science and Ph.D. in Management from INSEAD…
0 0 likes | 24 24 playsThe Public Cleanliness Satisfaction Survey was led by Professor Paulin Tay Straughan, Dean of Students and Professor of Sociology at the Singapore Management University…
0 0 likes | 27 27 playsRenewable energy sources – such as wind and solar power, have made it possible for us to generate electricity in more environmentally-friendly ways. With the…
From IITS Web Team
0 0 likes | 61 61 playsThe advent of social media has seen large volumes of information generated on social media channels such as Twitter and Facebook every day. Such information presents… -
0 0 likes | 14 14 playsAs computing services play an ever bigger role in our lives, the design of compelling applications require deeper insight into people’s thinking, behaviour and…
0 0 likes | 12 12 playsSustainable agriculture aims at growing food in an ecologically and ethically responsible manner by using practices that enhance environmental quality and natural…
0 0 likes | 36 36 playsProfessor Cheng Shih-Fen Taxi service and availability is a perennial bugbear with commuters in Singapore. It is not uncommon to hear of people complaining about the…