Open House (Undergraduate Education)

  • From IITS Web Team

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  • From IITS Web Team

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  • From IITS Web Team

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Discover SMU

  • From An Qi, Angela SEAH

    2 likes 768 plays
  • From Wei Yan Sandy LIM

    0 likes 2,606 plays
  • From Wei Yan Sandy LIM

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SMU Masters Programmes

  • From IITS Web Team

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  • From IITS Web Team

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  • From IITS Web Team

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Masters Day - Information Sessions

  • From IITS Web Team

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  • From IITS Web Team

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  • From IITS Web Team

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SMU Research

  • From IITS Web Team

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    The National Satellite of Excellence in Mobile Systems Security and Cloud Security (NSoE MSS-CS), is a five-year research initiative, sponsored by the National Research…
  • From Ms CHANG Ching Chen _

    0 likes 690 plays
    Hwajin Yang is Associate Professor of Psychology in the School of Social Sciences at Singapore Management University. She has established a strong research…
  • From IITS Web Team

    0 likes 476 plays
    The last fifteen years have seen a boom in global wind‐based electricity production. However, wind-based electricity generation can be intermittent due to varying…


  • From Ms CHANG Ching Chen _

    0 likes 29 plays
    With the advent of new technologies, rapidly changing customer needs and emerging competitors, companies across industries are facing disruptions like never before. To…
  • From Ms CHANG Ching Chen _

    0 likes 53 plays
    Data has emerged as the most important driver for modern economic development. New industries have arisen from the use of data with personal information as the core…
  • From Ms CHANG Ching Chen _

    0 likes 28 plays
    Rapid urbanisation, coupled with the lack of coordination in the use of resources, such as taxis and security personnel, has negatively affected a wide array of…

PGCS Resume Writing

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Most Viewed

  • From Ms LEE Li Ting _

    0 likes 930 plays
    An academic briefing was conducted on 26 July 2016 for all SOE freshmen. Information pertaining to students’ 4-years undergraduate study were shared by faculty,…
  • From Ms CHANG Ching Chen _

    0 likes 794 plays
  • From Yew Ming YAP

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