From Angie NG
0 0 likes | 0 0 playsThis lecture is conducted as part of the Lien Fung’s Colloquium Synopsis Dr Tan and his family spent approximately 15 years living and working in Yunnan, China,… -
From Ms Lina LEE _
0 0 likes | 2 2 playsEnterprise Singapore’s Enterprise Leadership for Transformation (ELT) is a one-year programme that aims to help leaders of promising small and medium enterprises… -
From Yew Ming YAP
1 1 likes | 481 481 playsThis lecture is conducted as part of the 9th Annual SMU-Soka International Peace Symposium Synopsis Standing at the crossroads of humanity, our work today requires us… -
From Yew Ming YAP
1 1 likes | 440 440 playsThis lecture is conducted as part of the Shaw Foundation Distinguished Faculty Lecture Series Synopsis This lecture explores the sophisticated theories of ritual and… -
From Ms Lina LEE _
0 0 likes | 1 1 playsThe ‘Short Chat with the Boss’ series forms part of the content on the SME Learning Portal which serves to inspire, motivate and inform other SMEs what… -
From Ms Ann SHEN _
1 1 likes | 656 656 playsIn this lecture, we will journey through Bhutan's ongoing pursuit of Gross National Happiness (GNH), a development framework that prioritises not just… -
From Ms Lina LEE _
0 0 likes | 1 1 playsThe ‘Short Chat with the Boss’ series forms part of the content on the SME Learning Portal which serves to inspire, motivate and inform other SMEs what… -
From Ms Ann SHEN _
1 1 likes | 916 916 playsChasing success, money, and power offers only brief satisfaction, trapping us in a cycle of endless craving with often grave mental health consequences. Studies on the… -
From Ms Ann SHEN _
1 1 likes | 616 616 playsHappiness not only feels good; it is good. Happy people are more productive, creative, and resilient; they have more friends and more stable marriages; and they show… -
From Ms Lina LEE _
0 0 likes | 1 1 playsThe ‘Short Chat with the Boss’ series forms part of the content on the SME Learning Portal which serves to inspire, motivate and inform other SMEs what… -
From Ms Lina LEE _
0 0 likes | 8 8 playsIs it ever too late to reinvent your business? According to Mr Adam Piperdy, founder and Chief Experience Officer of events company Unearthed Productions, the answer… -
From Ms Lina LEE _
0 0 likes | 1 1 playsThe ‘Short Chat with the Boss’ series forms part of the content on the SME Learning Portal which serves to inspire, motivate and inform other SMEs what… -
0 0 likes | 513 513 playsThis lecture is conducted as part of the Shaw Foundation Distinguished Faculty Lecture Series Synopsis When it first started, positive psychology was mostly…
0 0 likes | 934 934 playsThis event is conducted in partnership with the Lien Fung's Colloquium Synopsis Can good design make people happier? Early 20th century architects and writers…
From Yew Ming YAP
0 0 likes | 24 24 plays与廉凤讲座联合主办 This event is conducted in partnership with the Lien Fung's Colloquium Synopsis “离苦得乐”是所有生物的本能。身为万物之灵的我们 -… -
0 0 likes | 456 456 playsRefer to the microsite for the full details of the programme and speakers.