Search for tag: "chance"

Clip of rosieching_SESS-SR-B1-2_20221025-081626_S1R1

From  Mr WONG Ying Boon _ 0 likes 61 plays


From  Ms Rosie CHING _ 0 likes 9 plays

Ep 32, Short Chat with the Boss | mtm labo

The ‘Short Chat with the Boss’ series forms part of the content on the SME Learning Portal which serves to inspire, motivate and inform other SMEs what they can do on their own to enhance…

From  Ms Lina LEE _ 0 likes 4 plays


秋瑾/科学家王灿芝母女,黄素琼/作家张爱玲母女,都是女权意识里的娜拉和女儿们。从晚清到民国,从易卜生“玩偶之家”娜拉出走的摔门声给世界唤起了女权主义,鲁迅提问娜拉出走后又怎样,到去年我们对张爱玲诞辰百年的回顾,胡缨教授从两对母女的关系以及对母亲形象的再塑造,讨论中国女权主义的演进。 胡缨,…

From  Ms Ann SHEN _ 0 likes 67 plays

1_UP_EPTL_Wk11_1_Probability Models_2016_1006

From  Dr Marcus ANG Teck Meng _ 0 likes 633 plays