01:36:15duration 1 hour 36 minutes
大陆是飘浮的岛屿:新加坡、1990年代与王安忆南来寻根之旅的启发 | Geography…
大陆是飘浮的岛屿:新加坡、1990年代与王安忆南来寻根之旅的启发 | Geography Lessons: Singapore, the 1990s and Wang Anyi’s Root-Seeking Journey to the South
与廉凤讲座联合主办 This event is conducted in partnership…
01:38:29duration 1 hour 38 minutes
Lien Fung's Colloquium presents "Water…
Lien Fung's Colloquium presents "Water in/on my body, seeping through my bones": an artist talks on performance and politics.
In this talk, Dr Patricia Nguyen will discuss a…
02:01:45duration 2 hours 1 minute
SME Development Series_Webinar on 27 August 2021…
SME Development Series_Webinar on 27 August 2021 | UOB-SMU AEI x Sasin_Sustainability for SMEs - Webinar 3
01:18:39duration 1 hour 18 minutes
One frequently overlooked aspect of today's…
01:48duration 1 minute 48 seconds
Manila Water: From Privatisation to Sustainable…
Manila Water: From Privatisation to Sustainable Growth
In order to resolve severe water management…
20:05duration 20 minutes 5 seconds
Guns and Roses: Educating Educators through Peer…
Guns and Roses: Educating Educators through Peer Coaching Programmes
This case is a two-part series on the value of…