01:12:34duration 1 hour 12 minutes
SMU Commencement 2017 - School of Economics…
SMU Commencement 2017 - School of Economics Undergraduate Ceremony
Thursday, 13 July, 7.30pm – 9.00pm
01:21:56duration 1 hour 21 minutes
SMU Commencement 2017 - School of Accountancy…
SMU Commencement 2017 - School of Accountancy Undergraduate Ceremony
Thursday, 13 July, 2.30pm – 4.00pm
01:29:42duration 1 hour 29 minutes
SMU Commencement 2014 Lee Kong Chian School of…
SMU Commencement 2014 Lee Kong Chian School of Business Undergraduate (2) Commencement Ceremony
01:16:29duration 1 hour 16 minutes
SMU Commencement 2014 Lee Kong Chian School of Business Undergraduate (1) Commencement Ceremony
00:31duration 31 seconds
Undergraduate Travis Ng
00:36duration 36 seconds
Undergraduate Yow Zi Shing
00:24duration 24 seconds
Undergraduate Sherly Cendana Koalitas
00:40duration 40 seconds
Undergraduate Sharlene Huang Qiaolin
00:17duration 17 seconds
Undergraduate Justin Lim
00:18duration 18 seconds
Undergraduate Goh Hong Wen
00:39duration 39 seconds
Undergraduate Bryan Ng
Undergraduate Nur Atikah
00:23duration 23 seconds
Undergraduate David Lau
00:42duration 42 seconds
Undergraduate Daniel Lee
Undergraduate Abdul Haadi
Undergraduate Muhammed Nuri Bin Mohamed Shafei