Search for tag: "culture"

JUMBO Teaching Video 1: Central Kitchen

It has been a bumpy few years since 2020 for…

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From  Mr Thomas LIM _ 0 likes 4 plays

Digital Humanities: New Techniques, Approaches, and Transformations

In 1946 a Jesuit scholar, Father Roberto Busa,…

From  Ms Ann SHEN _ 1 likes 110 plays

Ep 33, Short Chat with the Boss | Ah Zi Design

The ‘Short Chat with the Boss’ series…

From  Ms Lina LEE _ 0 likes 8 plays

SME Development Series_Webinar on 28 October 2021 | Effective Collaboration and Engagement with Employees

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From  Suyu Jennifer LEOW 0 likes 9 plays

Surveying Memory

Synopsis: After violence, of whatever kind,…

From  Yew Ming YAP 0 likes 598 plays


From  Ms Cynthia TEO _ 0 likes 21 plays

Made in India: Cisco Reroutes Innovation (Video 1)

This case describes the strategy adopted by Cisco…

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From  Sheila WAN 0 likes 11 plays

Driving Change at Appliances International, India (A) & (B)

This is a two-part case. Case A introduces Kim…

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From  Sheila WAN 0 likes 18 plays

Configure captions Walkthrough Video

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From  Ms CHANG Ching Chen _ 0 likes 22 plays

Cross-Cultural Trust

How and why do people trust each other? Does…

From  IITS Web Team 0 likes 312 plays

SMU Executive Development – A practical approaching to unlocking Asian Business Culture

There is a stark difference between the Western…

From  Marziya BEGAM 0 likes 68 plays