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Ep 42, Short Chat with the Boss | International Cancer Specialists

The ‘Short Chat with the Boss’ series forms part of the content on the SME Learning Portal which serves to inspire, motivate and inform other SMEs what they can do on their own to enhance…

From  Ms Lina LEE _ 0 likes 3 plays


From  Ms Jeslyn Tan Siok Hong _ 0 likes 13 plays

Why We Killed: Security, Authority, and Opportunity in the Rwandan Genocide

*This lecture is sponsored as part of The Ngee Ann Kongsi Annual Lecture Series Rwanda’s tragic and shocking violence of 1994 indelibly etched itself on the global conscience. The violence…

From  Yew Ming YAP 0 likes 989 plays

National Constitutions: Between Global and Local

Constitutions are supposed to express “the Soul of the Nation”, as one of the authors of the South African Constitution put it. Embodying local values, a constitution can bind people…

From  Ms Ann SHEN _ 0 likes 972 plays