Search for tag: "david b montgomery"

Advice for Students

I hope that SMU students will consider marketing…

From  Ms CHANG Ching Chen _ 0 likes 9 plays

The Hiring of Faculty

I wrote a recruiting letter. Jin Han [Han Jin…

From  Ms CHANG Ching Chen _ 0 likes 32 plays

The City Campus

Well, I can tell you exactly what I was told is,…

From  Ms CHANG Ching Chen _ 0 likes 12 plays

First Involvement

My first contact with SMU is I heard that my old…

From  Ms CHANG Ching Chen _ 0 likes 9 plays

About David Montgomery

We had going at MIT was, we really did a lot…

From  Ms CHANG Ching Chen _ 0 likes 16 plays

The Pioneer Students

Well, I actually handed out the first degrees…

From  Ms CHANG Ching Chen _ 0 likes 10 plays

Challenges in the Future

The challenges are faculty. I think. This is a…

From  Ms CHANG Ching Chen _ 0 likes 10 plays

The Roles and Responsiblities

Well it turns out I've always been a…

From  Ms CHANG Ching Chen _ 0 likes 9 plays

The Impact of SMU

Well, one observation is I detect distinct…

From  Ms CHANG Ching Chen _ 0 likes 7 plays

SMU's Teaching Pedagogy

From  Ms CHANG Ching Chen _ 0 likes 13 plays

SMU's Teaching Pedagogy - Being Different

There's a whole idea of how an organisation…

From  Ms CHANG Ching Chen _ 0 likes 11 plays

The School of Business

Sure. One of the things we did in July of…

From  Ms CHANG Ching Chen _ 0 likes 11 plays

The Collaboration with Wharton

They had the Wharton Research Centre and so there…

From  Ms CHANG Ching Chen _ 0 likes 15 plays

Words of wisdom - David B Montgomery

From  Ms CHANG Ching Chen _ 0 likes 13 plays