07:44duration 7 minutes 44 seconds
Climate Change_Past Present Future
While we forge ahead with urban development and…
14:56duration 14 minutes 56 seconds
Biomass commercialisation - economic &…
Biomass commercialisation - economic & environmental implications
Global warming and climate change have created an…
02:08duration 2 minutes 8 seconds
Introducing the SMU City Dialogues Series
On 24 and 25 October 2019, SMU held its inaugural…
25:49duration 25 minutes 49 seconds
SMU City Dialogues #1: Address by Guest-of-Honour…
SMU City Dialogues #1: Address by Guest-of-Honour Mr Robin Hu
The SMU City Dialogues series was launched on 24…
08:09duration 8 minutes 9 seconds
SMU City Dialogues #1: Welcome Address by SMU…
SMU City Dialogues #1: Welcome Address by SMU President Prof Lily Kong
27:59duration 27 minutes 59 seconds
SMU City Dialogues #1: Keynote Speech by Dr David…
SMU City Dialogues #1: Keynote Speech by Dr David Dodman