Sure. One of the things we did in July of '05 was we hosted the first-ever Asian conference of the Marketing Science Institute. And there were fifty to fifty-five paying guests that came to this. We had Dave Montgomery, Reibstein [David J Reibstein] from Wharton School; we had George Day [George S. Day] from the Wharton School. George and I were old friends from Stanford days and co-authors on a number of things. We had Earl Taylor who was the marketing director of the Marketing Science Institute. And when people find out we hosted the first-ever Asian conference of the MSI, the marketing community notes that. That's a big deal. And the fact that we did it brilliantly and MSI thinks we're wonderful, is even better. And of course they've then helped fund and helped sponsor the ISES conference on service marketing and stuff, about a year ago I think it was.
So I think there's continuing benefit for that. There's benefit from the standpoint of... first of all we had some real famous people arrive and teach here, which was good, I think, for our faculty, and they could watch some of them perform in front of a major executive audience. But it's also good in terms of the external relations with the companies and corporations and executives who were here, and just generally to be known that it was us that did it.