TY Lee Mindfulness Series - Rewiring Resilience: Neuroscience, Mindfulness and More
From Yew Ming YAP
From Yew Ming YAP
In this introduction to the latest research on Mindfulness and contemplative practice, Dr. Chris Willard will be guiding us through the latest practices and what actually happens in our brains during this time. Touching on physiology, neuroscience and even epigenetics, we will spend the time both practicing and learning, all while strengthening neural networks and connections throughout our brain and body.
Speaker Biography:
Dr. Christopher Willard, (Psy. D.) is a clinical psychologist, author and consultant based in Massachusetts. He has been invited to more than two dozen countries to speak, and has presented at two TEDx events. He is the author of eighteen books, including Alphabreaths (2019), Growing Up Mindful (2016) and How we Grow Through What we Go Through. (2022) His thoughts on mental health have been featured in The New York Times, The Washington Post, mindful.org, cnn.com, and elsewhere. He teaches at Harvard Medical School.
Moderator Biography:
Justin TSE is Assistant Professor of Humanities (Education) in the Office of Core Curriculum and the School of Social Sciences at Singapore Management University. He was lead editor of Theological Reflections on the Hong Kong Umbrella Movement (Palgrave, 2016) and is working on the manuscript The Secular as Sheets of Scattered Sand: Cantonese Protestants and Pacific Secularities (in preliminary agreement, University of Notre Dame Press). In addition to Big Questions, he teaches a module entitled Publics and Privates on the Pacific Rim.