Public Cleanliness and Our Well-being
From Ms CHANG Ching Chen _ 2-Apr-2018
The Public Cleanliness Satisfaction Survey was led by Professor Paulin Tay Straughan, Dean of Students and Professor of Sociology at the Singapore Management University to measure and track the level of public satisfaction with the state of public cleanliness in Singapore. In addition to the development of a Public Cleanliness Satisfaction Index, the Survey examines the public’s satisfaction with public cleaning services; public opinions regarding the state of public cleanliness; as well as social behaviours related to public cleanliness. The Survey involved 2000 Singaporeans and Permanent Residents and was completed in March 2017.
In this podcast, Professor Straughan shares her research findings, and discusses what more can be done to keep our environment clean and how all these affect our general well-being.
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