大陆是飘浮的岛屿:新加坡、1990年代与王安忆南来寻根之旅的启发 | Geography Lessons: Singapore, the 1990s and Wang Anyi’s Root-Seeking Journey to the South
From Yew Ming YAP
This event is conducted in partnership with the Lien Fung's Colloquium
Most readers will associate the acclaimed mainland Chinese author Wang Anyi and her works with Shanghai. By comparison, her connections with Singapore are less well known. Born in the British colony, Wang Xiaoping, her father, emerged as a promising writer in the pre-war Sinophone Singapore literary scene. In 1991, Wang Anyi travelled southward to Singapore not only as a distinguished guest of literary events, but also as a root-seeking descendant who visits her father’s native land. The trip inspired the author to pronounce the equivalence of islands and continents in her novella Sadness of the Pacific. In what sense can we grasp islands as continents? What special appeal did Singapore hold at that time? This talk engages with Wang Anyi’s writings on the Singapore-Malaysian region, in order to reflect on Singapore’s unique position in the Chinese-speaking world around the 1990s. The retrospective gaze will envision how the island-state can reorient itself as the future host of a cosmopolitan Chinese-Sinophone culture.
Speaker Biography
曾昭程,新加坡国立大学中文系助教教授。复旦中文系本科,剑桥大学亚洲与中东研究哲学硕士(汉学专业),耶鲁大学东亚语言与文学系博士。其主要研究兴趣涵盖中国现当代文学研究、华语语系研究(新马文学专项)、离散研究与东南亚研究。其英文专著 Malaysian Crossings: Place and Language in the Worlding of Modern Chinese Literature将于年底由哥伦比亚大学出版社出版。
Chan Cheow Thia is Assistant Professor in the Department of Chinese studies at the National University of Singapore. His research interests include modern Chinese-Sinophone literature, Sinophone studies, Southeast Asian studies, and diaspora studies. His monograph, Malaysian Crossings: Place and Language in the Worlding of Modern Chinese Literature, is forthcoming from Columbia University Press. His articles are published in journals such as Modern Chinese Literature and Culture, SOJOURN: Journal of Social Issues in Southeast Asia, as well as PRISM: Theory and Modern Chinese Literature. He co-edited the special issue of PRISM on “The Worlds of Southeast Asian Chinese Literature.” As a literary translator and editor, his work has appeared in Renditions: A Chinese-English Translation Magazine.
Moderator Biography
Lim Fong Wei is a bilingual senior journalist at Lianhe Zaobao. He is also a screenwriter, fiction writer, translator and independent researcher. His short story “The Woman on a Trishaw at Dead Man Alley” has won the 2017 Golden Point Award. He has been awarded the 2018 Lee Kong Chian Research Fellowship for his research on Hong Kong writer Liu Yichang’s sojourn in Malaya. His essays of Eileen Chang’s mother’s life in Malaya and UK has met with good critical reception. His translation of Liu Yichang's Malayan stories will be published in Hong Kong's Renditions.
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