0 0 likes | 15 15 playsOne of the joys having been dean in two institutions and president in SMU, for me, is to look back. Sure, I have an ego, I'm pleased with what happens when I was in…
0 0 likes | 40 40 playsThe first sort of twenty years of my career had been teaching, publishing, writing, scholarship, consulting. The latter twenty years it shifted more to administration.…
0 0 likes | 13 13 playsWell, I had seen the board close up and seen what was happening. At board meetings I would often come in a week or more before and do some consulting for Janice,…
0 0 likes | 9 9 playsSo number one, there's a junior class that need to get recruited. There are faculty that need to get hired for that purpose. If that's going to get done, they…
0 0 likes | 14 14 playsOh yes, I would say materially. It would have been, I think, difficult to get the quality of deans that we brought to Singapore that were capable of decentralised…
0 0 likes | 19 19 playsDave Montgomery used a phrase that I like a great deal, I think captures a great deal. There ought to be balanced excellence between research and teaching. That the…
0 0 likes | 15 15 playsWell, one of the challenges that I'll bet is still going on because I've been out of touch for a while it turned out, that if you really aggressively…
1 1 likes | 15 15 playsWell, I would argue that is still in process, not over. When the university started, they had done a deal with Wharton, to provide initial guidance, curricular…
0 0 likes | 16 16 playsJust remember when you're done, the platform you stood on when you walked through that door was those other generations, and the people in the government, and…
0 0 likes | 10 10 playsWell, the campus then was in a very idyllic setting. You were surrounded by a fair amount of open park land. The campus was two quads that shared a common side, so you…
0 0 likes | 19 19 playsWe had some discussion about was the importance of getting a law school as part of the university. If you looked at what's called a cognate kind of an intellectual…