Okay. Technology is important right? It helps facilitate our work. And it's a platform but it's not an end in itself. So, OnTRAC ,by the way, is an acronym for:
On: for Online, because we live in the worldwide web, it's online, so everybody goes online, it makes access much easier.
T: It meant for training. We do a lot of training so we want students to get access to training, to training materials, to the training events, the workshops that we have.
And then, the R is for recruitment. So employers could say, hey there's a portal. I don't need to depend on the third party. I don't need to even depend on the career services to get access to the students, the potential hirers. I can put my opportunity out. I could suss out the people quickly for recruitment. And you know time is of the essence.
A is for attachment. At SMU, internship is compulsory. I am so happy that it is compulsory, and it has borne fruit right? You see now everybody now wants to go for an industrial attachment, because it will make a difference to their life. So A is for attachments, for internship.
And also for C is community service.